Media bites
Act react wins Anywhere award!
Act React was chuffed to receive an Anywhere Award at the end of the 2021 festival.
Reviews for “The Importance of Being Wasted”
Reviewers are loving our drunken take on Oscar Wilde’s classic!
Natalie on The Pursuit Pod with Lauren Wood
Act React producer Natalie chats with Brisbane-turned-London actor Lauren Wood on her new podcast.
The importance of being WASTED & the great grandiosa
2021 is looking brighter with the announcement of two upcoming live shows! Download media releases here.
This Is Your Trial cancelled due to Covid-19
We are sad to announce the cancellation of our season of This Is Your Trial at Perth FRINGE WORLD.
kudos from theatrehaus
A lovely nod for Speed: The Movie, The Play from TheatreHaus, plus their review of our Christmas 2020 double header.
2019 retrospective
2019 was a packed year for Act React! Check out our retrospective video.
Speed on TV
ABC TV came along to a performance of Speed: The Movie, The Play at the Sydney Fringe Festival in September 2019.