More great anywhere reviews


It was fantastic to finish the Anywhere Festival with more wonderful reviews of both The Importance of Being Earnest and The Great Grandiosa.

From Theatre Haus on The Great Grandiosa:

"Laughter is a remedy for the soul and Act React handed that prescription out in spades. The Great Grandiosa allowed audiences to forget about the past and step into the present to indulge in all things silly, good-spirited and outrageous.”

From Nothing Ever Happens in Brisbane on The Great Grandiosa:

Natalie Bochenski brings the character to life in an original and brilliant way. Her devotion to being The Great Grandiosa and harnessing the absurdity of celebrity and TV psychics was a treat to watch

Simon Chugg, Damien Campagnolo, Daren King and Ellie Hardisty get their groove on to Thien Pham’s music. Pic: Creative Futures.

Simon Chugg, Damien Campagnolo, Daren King and Ellie Hardisty get their groove on to Thien Pham’s music. Pic: Creative Futures.

From Anywhere Reviews on The Importance of Being Wasted:

”Cheers! Oscar Wilde would have approved. Another winning show from the Act React team.”

From Theatre Haus on The Importance of Being Wasted:

"The chaotic, sprawling monologues grew naturally more entertaining throughout, and mistakes and blanks were dwelled upon and championed with a ‘bottoms up’ mentality”.

Check out more of our drunken post-show interviews below!

Daren and Elizabeth from Friday 14 May.


Simon and Damien from Saturday 15 May.


Jenna, Elizabeth and Ellie on Friday 20 May.

Simon Chugg and Ellie Hardisty examine a handbag. Pic: Creative Futures.

Simon Chugg and Ellie Hardisty examine a handbag. Pic: Creative Futures.

Natalie Bochenski

Writer. Performer. Producer.


Act react wins Anywhere award!


Reviews for “The Importance of Being Wasted”