speed delights melbourne fringe
Photo courtesy of So Soiree Fringe Garden and Rob Blackburn Photography.
What a ride!
We were delighted to return to Melbourne Fringe in October 2024 to present another season of Speed: The Movie, The Play.
The wonderful team at So Soiree Fringe Garden and City of Stonnington partnered with us again after the success of our debut season last year. It is always incredible to say that you’re back by popular demand!
Overall we had a lucky run with the weather, and even better encounters with passengers. Melbourne crowds embraced the show and our cast, and we thank everyone for throwing themselves into the fun.
We were especially delighted to score a four-star review in The Age:
The C-grade stagecraft deserves A-plus for ingenuity: a black curtain lifted around the audience standing in for a busted elevator, or blow-up palm trees shooting past the windows to simulate the bus speeding down an LA freeway. A peppering of cheeky puns and references to Reeves’ patchy career, plus clever improv with the audience, keep things as fast-paced as the “death bus” itself.
We also had a great write-up from Stage Whispers:
This show is a real winner, offering a busload of entertainment, with audiences literally rollicking with unstoppable laughter.If there is one show that should not be missed this year at Fringe, it is this one.
The show also scored a big response from audiences - coming in second in the Crowd Pleaser Award, which is won by popular vote!
Thanks to everyone who came out to ride the bus, and we hope to return to Melbourne again.