The importance of being wasted
we’re going wilde in the west
at fringeworld perth!
The Importance of Being Wasted is Oscar Wilde’s classic comedy of manners with a twist… of lime, vodka (and maybe a dash of dirty bathtub moonshine), shaken, stirred and served well and truly on the rocks.
This intoxicating take on The Importance of Being Earnest will see half the cast get half cut before before delivering Wilde’s famously wordy witticisms.
Each performance features a different combination of trollied thespians trying to keep it together with the help of their sober fellow performers.
Get into high spirits as Act React puts the lit into literature with this Drunk Classic.
“Cheers! Oscar Wilde would have approved. Another winning show from the Act React team.” - Anywhere Reviews
We’re so thrilled to be bringing this show to Perth FringeWorld for THREE SHOWS ONLY: Friday 9, Saturday 10 and Sunday 11 February! We’ll be in the Pleasure Garden at Russell Square - come and have a drink with us!
The Importance of Being Wasted has been performed:
2021 - Lord Alfred Hotel and Alliance Hotel, as part of the Anywhere Festival Brisbane
2022 - Brisbane Arts Theatre and Ocean View Winery as part of the Anywhere Festival Brisbane & Moreton Bay
2023 - Fringe Brisbane HQ and Hip Hops Brewery as part of the Anywhere Festival Brisbane & Moreton Bay
“A joyous celebration of the intoxicating power of Oscar wilde.”
“The experience of the Act/React cast and creatives is clear to see. This was a funny and highly professional show.